I’ve secured a new date for this fun-filled workshop! Spend Saturday April 6th being awesomely creative, coding your own generative art and then brining it to life off-screen in silkscreen print. We’ll meet up in the morning at Assemble to generate art from code in Processing (with some help, of course) and then move the party over to Commonwealth Press in the afternoon to transfer our digital art to printed creations.
No prior printing or coding experience is required and ticket costs include all the printing supplies and studio time. It’s a great chance to get a little creative with some code and make something physical too. Perfect for code curious designers and artists, or developers looking to try something new.
Processing: From Code To Print
Saturday April 6th, 2013
Grab your ticket or check out the full workshop details. Registration is limited to a max of 6 people to keep things casual and fun.
Shoot me an email if you have any questions about the workshop.