Flashpitt aka the first conference for people like me and you in this area is coming up in just a few weeks.
I know the name Flashpitt is confusing some people, so I wanted to help clear that up. Yes, we have “Flash” in our name, but that doesn’t mean we are only for people who do nothing but Flash.
We’ve worked hard to make sure that we have a little something for everyone. From the folks who just want to learn more about the industry in general, to folks that code AS3 all day long. That’s the beauty of having two tracks to work with.
The web guy (or girl!) in the next cube will get a lot out of sessions like “For Position Only“, “Experience First Approach” and “The Experience Layer”.
Designers and Animators? Yep, we were thinking about them too. “Animation with Flash and After Effects“, “For Position Only” and “The Medium of Interaction” will all have something for them for starters.
Of course, we have the more code heavy sessions you’d expect, too. Check out “Papervision3D“, “Introduction to Building AIR Applications for Flash and Flex Developers” and “AS3 Games“.