Intro to creative coding with Processing workshop

The 2009 Feltron Annual Report by Nicholas Felton and Process Compendium by Casey Reas. Two amazing projects made with Processing.

Calling all Pittsburgh design and artist types who want to learn code! The awesome folks at HackPittsburgh are letting me use their space to put on a workshop I’ve been wanting to do for a long time: Intro to creative coding with Processing.

Processing is used by designers and artists alike to create works ranging from algorithmic illustrations and interactive spaces to data visualizations, illustrated magazine spreads and a whole lot more.

This workshop is an introduction to Processing just for creative types! We’re going to spend the day learning the basics of programming by drawing, animating, and making simple interactive sketches with code.

The goal of the class is to give you the Processing foundation you need to start exploring on your own, and to inspire you with Processing work done by other artists and designers. We’ll have fun (and lunch) and there’s no need to have any prior experience writing code. Really, none.

If you’re a local artist or designer I’d love to see you there!

Intro to Creative Coding with Processing
Saturday, Feb 25th, 10am – 4pm
Tickets and more info

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